It has been a long winter. Hibernation has been my refuge, my sanctuary. Hiding out for a season has allowed me to quiet the cacophony of voices inside my head, and all the outside influences and expectations that are difficult to discern in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
It is not easy to take this time to tune into my Self. A part of me feels the weight of guilt, and shoulds, and shame. It has taken a lot of painful practice over many, many years to show up to the tending needed inside me; and the stillness and slowing down that's required. I am fortunate to have a partner and the privilege that afford me this sacred solitude.
As hard as it can be, every time I retreat, I return to this core truth: My worth does not come from what I do, but from who I am. I am worthy because I AM.
In a recent coaching session, when asked why her morning quiet time sitting in her favorite chair is so essential to her, my client responded: “When I take the time to simply be, I cultivate my enoughness. I affirm my worthiness.”
Winter has now ended, and spring has arrived. This is the season to come out of the darkness, and into the growing light. To bring your Being into the world. To dare to be seen and to shine bright.
This is the Aries archetype superpower.
When the Sun enters the zodiac sign Aries — it marks the spring equinox, and the astrological new year, and a new you.
Aries represents our identity, and Self. It is the very first sign of the zodiac that says: "You were born and therefore You matter."
You are not a mistake or a mess that needs mended. You are a miracle woven with the magic of both dirt and stardust. No one else in this earthly world is exactly like you. You are a one-of-a-kind wonder. You matter.
Aries says: I am worthy because I AM.
Aries energy reminds us that it is your birthright to take up space in this world. Not to diminish your value but to amplify it. Not to make your Self small, or hide out in the shadows of others, but to blaze your unique path, and shine bright.
Aries is a fire sign. Fire is the energy of spirit, and is here to inspire and uplift. Aries fire wants you to believe in your Self and embolden others to do the same. Can you tell I am an Aries Sun?
It is not only Aries season, it is also eclipse season. Eclipses are portals that illuminate hidden and lost parts of your Self, so that you may retrieve and integrate them — and leap to your next level of evolution. This is called shadow work, and is what I do in spiritual coaching.
This moment is potent.
Profound healing is available from the cosmos right now. It is an opportunity for one identity to end, and a new one to begin. To let go of your past self, and to step into your real Self. Not the person you were conditioned to be, or made to be in order to survive or to belong, but the person you were born to be.
Here are some reflection questions for you:
How would you describe your unique spirit? What is your essence? Your true nature? Who are You when you feel most at ease, in the flow, or on fire?
In what ways does this version of You get eclipsed in your everyday life?
What can you give yourself in those moments to help you return to your Self? Maybe you need to repeat a mantra (a self-acknowledgement practice), or move your body; or to talk it out, or take a break; or to say no, or to say yes; or to speak your truth or take up space, or ask someone to stop; or validate yourself or give yourself permission; or witness the part of you that is activated and hurt. The key is to value yourself enough (Aries archetype) to not lose or give your Self away, but to give your Self what you most need.
This is not easy work. We live in a broken world where it can sometimes feel unsurmountable to be our true Self.
But life is too damn short.
I lost my friend Beth unexpectedly. She had a fighting spirit that wanted nothing more than to rest in her Self. In her memory, let's encourage and embolden one another to be who we are born to be. The time is now.