I have been on quite a journey since I last wrote. It’s felt restorative, grounding and invigorating. I want to share with you what’s been invigorating.
While I’ve been an astrology enthusiast for over a decade, this spring and summer I’ve taken it to the next level. I'm excited to share with you my philosopy, how it helps with personal healing and growth, plus one way you can tap into your personal star wisdom today.
I love this idea that we are born from dirt and stardust, from the earth and the heavens. There is this ancient understanding that the sky mirrors to us what’s happening in our collective and individual lives — as above, so below, they say. The cosmos shows us how we are interconnected: influencing and inspiring each other.
As I’ve learned to follow the movement of the celestial bodies, I’ve discovered there are stories and wisdom written in the stars of what it means to be human together. For me, it’s not so much predictive as it is revelatory. Astrology in its highest form has become another sacred text — another way that Spirit is speaking to us here and now.
For most of us, we only know about our Sun signs, but astrology is so much more than the Sun. In fact, each of us contains the entire solar system. You are home to the whole universe.
Every planet — and the archetypal energy they represent — is within you. Mars the Warrior, Venus the Lover, Mercury the Messenger, Jupiter the Sage, Saturn the Taskmaster, Uranus the Rebel, Neptune the Dreamer, and Pluto the Transformer are inside you. Every energy holds strengths and struggles. Our work is to witness the stressed parts so that each of these energies can thrive within us.
Likewise, all 12 signs of the zodiac are within you, though each of them play very different roles depending on where they show up in our birth chart. If there is a sign you dislike or resist, it could say something about a part of you that needs your witness and embrace. If there is a sign you adore or aspire to be more like, it could be that it is indeed beckoning you to befriend it.
I'm here to help you work with these many parts of ourselves. It’s been fascinating to make connections with my coaching clients between the healing work we’ve been doing and how that work shows up in their birth chart. In this way, astrology is an exquisite tool for self-awareness and self-acceptance.
One friend learned her Moon is in Aries, which means taking action helps her feel safe and secure. This insight allowed her to embrace her active lifestyle, and to see that her ambitious productivity wasn't so much a way to avoid her internal life (which is what many of us do), but a way to regulate and sustain it. All her life she heard the message to slow down, rest more, and it never felt right. Now she understands why. I have many more stories like this. It’s an important reminder how we are all uniquely and divinely designed — and how we are called to stay curious and open to other people’s experiences and orientation.
More magic from @SpiritDaughter
Curious about your birth chart magic? To be clear, everyone has a birth chart. Astrologer Chani Nicholas describes it as a snapshot of the sky when we took our first breath. Your birth chart is a map of where all the celestial bodies were located in the sky when you were born. Some say it’s a map of our soul. How beautiful is that?
If you’re a newbie to astrology, the three key signs to explore are your Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign:
your Sun sign signifies where you need to learn to shine and be seen in this life;
your Moon sign signifies how and where you feel most safe and secure in your body; said another way, how your emotional and physical needs are best met;
your Rising sign signifies your motivation for living and/or the lens in which you see the world
Learning more about these energies in your birth chart is a great next step to tapping into your soul map. If you don’t know your Sun, Moon or Rising signs, you can find them here: https://chart.chaninicholas.com/. You'll need to know your birthdate, location and exact birthtime. If you want more help understanding what it all means, please reach out to me (I'm a professional Meaning-Maker!).
I'd love to hear from you and learn more about your relationship with the stars. I've included reflection prompts below to guide you in your quest.
When you think astrology, what's the first word, feeling and image that come to mind?
What do you need in order to feel more open to astrology and the wisdom of the stars?
What excites you and concerns you about learning more about your birth chart?
Before you look at your birth chart (if you haven't already), write down the following three things. Then share with me your answers, plus your Sun, Moon and Rising signs, and I can help you compare!
In what ways do you shine best in your life?
What helps you feel emotionally regulated and grounded?
What motivates you to most in your life?