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Wise Woman Within

Potential Epic Scene.JPG

Last summer I participated in a Wise Woman ceremony by the sea. There I was asked what image comes to mind when I think about my Wise Woman within—instantly, THIS image appeared (Can you find me in the photo?).

She always comes to me in a wide open field. She reminds me of my—and our—vastness. That we are more than this body, more than our thoughts and emotions that ebb and flow, more than our experiences—as real and significant as they are—we are still more. We are the wide open space that contains them, witnesses them, and chooses how to respond to them. We are Wise Woman who sees farther and wider and deeper than our little “I” can, and we need not be afraid. As my dear friend Rumi says it, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

What image comes to mind when you imagine your Wise Woman? Where within you does she reside?