“Full Moon in Bloom” by @katja.perez, witchy illustrator. Follow on Instagram.
Today’s post contains more questions than answers. That’s intentional. Let the questions reside within you for a time. Don’t let ego rush too quickly to solutions and strategies. Carry the questions around with you on your errands, job interviews, new gigs, and hot dates (or any kind of date). Rest in the questions. Imagine sitting alongside Spirit. Together you are co-creating healing and an unknown future where you get to be more of your sovereign Self…
Astrologer Chani Nicholas says 2023 is the year of the “self.” It is a year when we have the chance to center our needs and desires as much as we do for others. A year when we learn to believe we have a right to take up more space and shine a little brighter. A year when we tap into the courage required to stand out from the crowd and claim our unique offering. It is a year when we are more able to work out the kinks and quirks that block any of the before-mentioned.
Every astrologer I know says March is the month to launch us on that sojourn. It is packed with big, huge astrology. It starts today.
Here's what's happening (Warning: astrological geeking out ahead).
Three planets are changing zodiac signs: Saturn the Teacher and Taskmaster, Pluto the Transformer and Mars the Warrior. With these three involved, energy is inevitably shifting. Collectively, and individually.
Saturn has not changed signs (permanently) since March 2020 — the same time the pandemic lockdown began. He shifts signs one hour after tonight's full moon, inviting us to commit to making our dreams a reality.
Pluto moves signs on March 23rd. He has not moved signs since 2008 — just days after Barack Obama was elected the first Black U.S. President, and the financial crisis hit homes across the country. Pluto is here to make us face the collective shadow. Moving into the sign of Aquarius, Pluto's ultimate aim here is to innovate a world built on justice and equality, where everyone is free to flourish. He'll be there until 2043.
Mars has been hanging out in Gemini since August 2022 — and an unusually long time for him. He finally shifts into Cancer on March 25th. I like to think of Mars' highest expression in Cancer as fighting for the vulnerable, in our communities, and within ourselves.
I know this may or may not make complete sense to you. That's okay. It's enough to know we are moving from one season of reality into a new one. Significant endings are making way for new beginnings. It's all here to help us heal our woundedness, so we can live and lead from our worthiness.
But wait! I'm not done yet with March's astrology forecast!
Add to these potent planetary shifts, the spring equinox arrives March 20th — with the New Moon occurring the very next day at 0 degrees in Aries. Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and represents our identity — who we say we are, and how we feel about that. With this New Moon at 0 degrees, new beginnings are very possible. Astrologer Cristina Farella says Aries “correlates archetypally with the beginning of the journey, the first step on the fresh path.”
Friends, winter is nearing its end, and spring is meeting us at the trailhead of a new journey.
Where do you want to go this next season of your life?
What is the first step you need to take?
What and who do you need for the trek ahead?
What if at the end of the trail you become what you truly love about yourself? Who might that be?
Before we go, the Full Moon in Virgo is here to help us lighten our load. Full moons represent healing, and a time for culmination and completion. It's odd because they can feel like a midway point. Like something is coming into fruition but before you move forward, you might need to adjust, recommit, and/or release what is no longer helpful. In this way, full moons illuminate what is hidden. It’s like we have made our plans, charted the course ahead, and we are at the trailhead about to depart, and realize our load is too heavy. We dig through our pack back and discover at the bottom is a weight we no longer need.
What is the weight you are carrying around?
With the full moon in the sign of Virgo, it could be:
Or the need to be totally self-sufficient.
Do any of these resonate for you? All of them feel familiar to me.
A Full Moon stands direct opposite to the Sun. It is the Sun of course that shines upon the Moon. And so, we look to the Sun for the medicine we need in this moment.
The Sun in Pisces wants to anoint
your doubt with trust;
your perfectionism with compassion;
your control with surrender;
your self-sufficiency with abundant support.
Who would you be if you trusted yourself?
Who would you be if you embraced mistakes and messiness?
Who would you be if you surrendered to the unfolding process, a timeline not entirely of your own making, and a Life Force that wants what is best for you?
Who would you be if you leaned more on the people around you who want to support your path?
Friends, I'm so excited for what's to come. It feels like change for the better; a pilgrimage designed by our soul. Sure, there will be moments of breathlessness along the way, and that's okay. We will rest, recuperate, and carry onward. Together.